Termination Resistor: Detailed Explanation in 2024


A Can Termination Resistor, also known as a termination resistor or terminator, is an electrical component used in electronic communication systems, particularly in digital buses or networks.

In communication systems like Controller Area Network (CAN) buses, terminator resistors are crucial for preventing signal reflection and ensuring proper signal integrity. CAN bus systems are commonly used in automotive and industrial applications for transmitting data among various electronic control units (ECUs) and sensors.

Here are a few key points about Can Termination Resistors:


  • Reflection Prevention: One of the primary functions of termination resistors is to eliminate signal reflections that can occur when a signal encounters impedance mismatches in the communication lines.
  • Signal Integrity: Termination resistors help maintain signal integrity by reducing signal distortion and bouncing that can occur due to reflections.
  • Noise Reduction: They also help in reducing electromagnetic interference (EMI) and noise in the communication lines, leading to more reliable data transmission.


  • Placement: Terminator resistors are typically placed at both ends of the communication bus. In a CAN bus system, you would find a terminator resistor at each end of the bus to properly terminate the signal lines.
  • Resistance Value: The resistor value is often matched to the characteristic impedance of the communication cable or bus to ensure proper termination.


  • Resistance Value: Terminator resistors used in CAN bus systems typically have a resistance value of 120 ohms to match the characteristic impedance of the bus.
  • Power Rating: The power rating of the resistor must be sufficient to handle the power dissipated within the resistor due to terminating the signals.


  • Reliable Communication: Proper termination with terminator resistors is essential for reliable and error-free communication in CAN and other digital bus systems.
  • Compliance: In many cases, proper termination is required for the system to meet standards and ensure compatibility with other devices on the network.

In summary, Can Termination Resistors play a vital role in maintaining signal integrity, preventing reflections, reducing noise, and ensuring smooth communication in digital bus systems like the Controller Area Network (CAN). Proper placement and configuration of terminator resistors are essential for the optimal performance of the communication system.

The Usage of Termination Resistors in Can Bus

In a Controller Area Network (CAN) bus system, termination resistors are crucial components that help maintain signal integrity and prevent signal reflections on the communication bus. Here's a detailed explanation of the usage of termination resistors in a CAN bus system:

Purpose of Termination Resistors in CAN Bus:

  1. Signal Reflection Prevention:

    • The primary function of termination resistors in a CAN bus system is to eliminate signal reflections that can occur when a signal encounters impedance mismatches in the communication lines.
    • When signals reach the end of the bus without termination, they can reflect back and interfere with the original signal, causing signal distortion and potential data errors.
  2. Maintaining Signal Integrity:

    • Termination resistors help maintain signal integrity by reducing signal distortion and jitter caused by reflections. They ensure that the transmitted signals reach their destinations without disruptions.
  3. Noise Reduction:

    • By terminating the ends of the CAN bus with resistors, EMI and external noise pick-up are minimized, improving the overall noise immunity of the system.

Placement of Termination Resistors in a CAN Bus:

  1. End of the Bus:

    • In a CAN bus network, termination resistors are typically placed at both ends of the bus, where the communication lines terminate.
    • For a two-wire CAN bus system, a terminator resistor (usually 120 ohms) is placed at each end of the bus to match the characteristic impedance of the communication lines.
  2. Distributed Termination:

    • In larger CAN bus networks with multiple branches or stubs, distributed termination may be used to improve signal integrity. This involves placing termination resistors at strategic points to minimize reflections.

Configuration of Termination Resistors in a CAN Bus:

  1. Resistance Value:

    • The typical resistance value of a termination resistor in a CAN bus is 120 ohms, matching the characteristic impedance of the communication lines.
    • This value is chosen to ensure proper termination and impedance matching, reducing reflections and maintaining signal quality.
  2. Power Rating:

    • The terminator resistors used in a CAN bus system must have an adequate power rating to handle the power dissipation resulting from the termination of signals.
    • Ensuring the resistors are capable of handling the power dissipation helps prevent overheating and potential damage to the resistors.

Benefits of Termination Resistors in CAN Bus:

  1. Improved Signal Integrity:

    • Termination resistors help ensure that signals propagate along the bus without interference or distortion, leading to reliable data communication.
  2. Reduced Electrical Noise:

    • By minimizing reflections and external noise, terminator resistors improve the noise immunity of the CAN bus system, reducing the likelihood of data errors.
  3. Compliance and Compatibility:

    • Proper termination with resistors is often necessary to comply with CAN bus standards and ensure compatibility with other devices on the network.

In summary, termination resistors play a critical role in maintaining signal integrity, preventing reflections, reducing noise, and ensuring smooth and reliable communication in Controller Area Network (CAN) bus systems. Properly placed and configured terminators are essential for optimizing the performance and stability of the CAN bus network.

How Many Termination Resistors Does a Can Bus Require

In a Controller Area Network (CAN) bus system, the number of termination resistors required depends on the configuration of the network. Typically, a CAN bus system requires two termination resistors, one at each end of the bus. Here are some key points to consider regarding the number of termination resistors in a CAN bus:

Termination Resistor Configuration in a CAN Bus:

  1. Two Terminator Resistors:

    • In a standard CAN bus configuration, two termination resistors are used—one at each end of the bus.
    • The termination resistors are typically 120 ohms and match the characteristic impedance of the bus to prevent signal reflections.
  2. End of the Bus:

    • The termination resistors are placed at the physical ends of the CAN bus.
    • One termination resistor is located at the transmitter end, while the other is placed at the receiver end of the bus.
  3. Two-Wire CAN Bus:

    • For a two-wire CAN bus system, two termination resistors are sufficient to properly terminate the communication lines and maintain signal integrity.
  4. Four-Wire CAN Bus:

    • In more complex CAN bus configurations with multiple branches or stubs, additional termination resistors may be required at strategic points to improve signal integrity.
    • Distributed termination can be used in such cases to ensure proper termination across the network.

Importance of Proper Termination:

  1. Signal Integrity:

    • Proper termination with resistors is crucial for maintaining signal integrity and preventing signal reflections that can cause data errors and communication issues.
  2. Noise Reduction:

    • Terminator resistors help reduce electromagnetic interference and external noise, ensuring reliable data transmission on the CAN bus.
  3. Compliance:

    • Many CAN bus standards and protocols require the use of termination resistors to ensure compatibility and effective communication between devices on the network.


In summary, a standard CAN bus system typically requires two termination resistors—one located at each end of the bus. These resistors are essential for preventing signal reflections, maintaining signal integrity, reducing noise, and ensuring reliable data communication. However, in more complex CAN bus configurations with multiple branches, additional distributed termination resistors may be necessary to optimize signal quality and overall network performance.

What Type of Terminating Resistors Are Used in the CAN Bus Wires

In a Controller Area Network (CAN) bus system, the terminating resistors used on the bus wires are typically referred to as termination resistors or terminator resistors. These resistors are crucial components that help maintain signal integrity, prevent signal reflections, and ensure reliable communication on the CAN bus. Here are some key points regarding the type of terminating resistors used in CAN bus wires:

Characteristics of Terminating Resistors in CAN Bus Wires:

  1. Resistance Value:

    • The standard resistance value of terminator resistors used in CAN bus wires is 120 ohms.
    • The 120-ohm resistor value matches the characteristic impedance of the CAN bus communication lines, helping to minimize reflections and maintain signal integrity.
  2. Impedance Matching:

    • Terminator resistors with a resistance value of 120 ohms ensure proper impedance matching between the communication lines and the terminating components.
    • Impedance matching reduces signal reflections, distortion, and interference, contributing to reliable data transmission.
  3. Physical Configuration:

    • Terminator resistors are typically placed at both ends of the CAN bus wires, where the communication lines terminate.
    • In a two-wire CAN bus system, one 120-ohm termination resistor is located at each end of the bus to effectively terminate the bus and prevent signal reflections.
  4. Power Rating:

    • Terminator resistors used in CAN bus wires should have an adequate power rating to handle the power dissipation resulting from signal termination.
    • Choosing resistors with a suitable power rating ensures they can effectively dissipate heat without overheating or sustaining damage.

Benefits of Proper Terminating Resistors in CAN Bus Wires:

  1. Signal Integrity:

    • Terminator resistors help maintain signal integrity by preventing signal reflections and ensuring that transmitted signals reach their destination without distortion.
  2. Reflection Prevention:

    • By matching the impedance of the communication lines, terminator resistors minimize signal reflections that can cause data errors and communication issues.
  3. Noise Reduction:

    • Proper termination with resistors reduces electromagnetic interference (EMI) and external noise, improving the noise immunity of the CAN bus system and reducing the risk of data corruption.
  4. Compatibility and Compliance:

    • Using the correct termination resistors in CAN bus wires is essential for meeting CAN bus standards, ensuring network compatibility, and facilitating effective communication between devices.

In summary, terminator resistors with a resistance value of 120 ohms are commonly used in CAN bus wires to terminate the communication lines, prevent signal reflections, and maintain signal integrity. Selecting the appropriate terminating resistors is crucial for optimizing the performance, reliability, and noise immunity of the CAN bus system.

FAQS about Can Termination Resistor

1. What are the factors to consider when choosing a termination resistor?

When choosing a termination resistor for a communication system like a Controller Area Network (CAN) bus or any other digital bus network, there are several factors to consider to ensure proper signal integrity, impedance matching, and reliable communication. Here are some key factors to consider when choosing a termination resistor:

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Termination Resistor:

  1. Resistance Value:

    • The most critical factor when selecting a termination resistor is its resistance value. For CAN bus systems, a common value is 120 ohms, matching the characteristic impedance of the communication lines.
    • Ensure that the resistor's resistance value matches the characteristic impedance of the transmission lines to minimize signal reflections and maintain signal integrity.
  2. Power Rating:

    • Consider the power rating of the termination resistor to ensure it can handle the power dissipation resulting from signal termination. Select a resistor with a sufficient power rating to prevent overheating and damage.
  3. Tolerance:

    • The tolerance of the termination resistor represents the allowable deviation from the specified resistance value. Choose resistors with tight tolerances to ensure consistent performance and accurate termination.
  4. Temperature Coefficient:

    • The temperature coefficient indicates how the resistance of the resistor changes with temperature. Select resistors with low temperature coefficients to maintain stable performance over a range of operating temperatures.
  5. Physical Size and Mounting:

    • Consider the physical size and mounting options of the termination resistor to ensure it can be easily installed and fits within the constraints of the system or circuit board layout.
  6. Environmental Conditions:

    • Take into account the environmental conditions in which the termination resistor will operate. Choose resistors that are rated for the temperature, humidity, and other environmental factors present in the system.
  7. Long-Term Reliability:

    • Select termination resistors from reputable manufacturers known for producing high-quality components with good long-term reliability. Ensure the resistors have a low failure rate to minimize the risk of system downtime.
  8. Cost:

    • Consider the cost of the termination resistor, balancing the requirements of the system with the budget constraints. Opt for high-quality resistors that meet the necessary specifications without overburdening the project budget.
  9. Compliance with Standards:

    • Ensure that the termination resistor meets relevant industry standards and specifications for the specific communication protocol or system, such as CAN bus standards, to guarantee proper operation and compatibility.

By considering these factors when choosing a termination resistor for a communication system, you can ensure optimal performance, signal integrity, and reliability in the transmission of data across the network.

2. How to choose the resistance value of can termination resistor

When selecting the resistance value of termination resistors for a Controller Area Network (CAN) bus system or any other digital communication network, it is crucial to match the resistance value to the characteristic impedance of the transmission lines. Here are some guidelines on how to choose the resistance value of a CAN termination resistor:

Steps to Choose the Resistance Value of a CAN Termination Resistor:

  1. Understand the Characteristic Impedance:

    • Determine the characteristic impedance of the CAN bus system. In most cases, the characteristic impedance of a CAN bus is 120 ohms, which is commonly used for CAN networks.
  2. Match the Resistance to Impedance:

    • Choose termination resistors with a resistance value equal to the characteristic impedance of the transmission lines. For a CAN bus with a characteristic impedance of 120 ohms, use termination resistors with a resistance value of 120 ohms.
  3. One-End Termination:

    • In a standard CAN bus configuration, terminate the bus at both ends with 120-ohm resistors. This ensures proper impedance matching and minimizes signal reflections that can lead to data errors and communication issues.
  4. Two-End Termination:

    • For a CAN bus system that is point-to-point, with only two nodes communicating directly, use termination resistors at both ends of the bus to match the characteristic impedance and prevent signal reflections.
  5. Evaluate Extended Networks:

    • In larger CAN bus networks with branch nodes, stubs, or multiple connections, consider distributed termination using additional resistors strategically placed to improve signal integrity and minimize reflections.
  6. Avoid Mismatch:

    • Ensure that the resistance value of the termination resistors exactly matches the characteristic impedance of the transmission lines. Mismatched termination can lead to signal distortion, increased noise, and communication errors.
  7. Check Manufacturer Recommendations:

    • Refer to the specifications provided by the CAN bus controller manufacturer or system documentation for guidance on the recommended resistance value for termination resistors in the specific network configuration.
  8. Testing and Validation:

    • After selecting termination resistors with the proper resistance value, test the network to verify signal integrity, noise levels, and data transmission reliability. Make adjustments as needed based on the test results.

By following these steps and guidelines, you can choose the appropriate resistance value for termination resistors in a CAN bus system to ensure proper impedance matching, maintain signal integrity, prevent signal reflections, and facilitate reliable communication across the network.
