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The ATTINY25V-10SSUR is an 8-bit microcontroller unit (MCU) manufactured by Microchip Technology. Below are the specific details for this microcontroller:
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The ATSAMD21E17D-MU by Microchip Technology is a 32-bit ARM Cortex-M0+ microcontroller known for its low power consumption and high performance. Here are the details specific to this microcontroller:
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The ATMEGA8L-8PU is an 8-bit microcontroller manufactured by Microchip Technology. Here are the specific details for this microcontroller:
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The ATmega8A-AU is an 8-bit microcontroller manufactured by Microchip Technology (formerly Atmel). Below are the specific details for this microcontroller:
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The ATmega88PA-AU is an 8-bit microcontroller manufactured by Microchip Technology (formerly Atmel). Here are the specific details for this microcontroller:
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The STM32H743BIT6 is a microcontroller unit (MCU) developed by STMicroelectronics, featuring the following specifications:
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The AT91M40800-33AU is a microcontroller unit (MCU) manufactured by Microchip Technology, offering the following specifications:
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The ATtiny88-MU is an 8-bit microcontroller unit (MCU) manufactured by Microchip Technology. Here is a detailed introduction to the ATtiny88-MU MCU: